About Me

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I am a mom of two and after following a few other bloggers realized that I needed to better myself. So, here I am ready to take those steps necessary to be a better mom, wife, and person, with each of you following my progress. I want people to know that you can be the kind of mom you want and that anyone can do it!! I hope that you can learn, laugh, and grow with me.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It never fails...

So I was doing really good about writing and getting my goals accomplished and everything falls apart. I didn't even go to school last week...AT ALL! I feel so far behind and too overwhelmed to even know where to start.

Did I mention that daylight savings time SUCKS?! Only about half the clocks in my house fell back.

This is what it looks like at about 5:00 at my house!
Today I was motivated to getting somethings done. I have finished most of my homework that is due this week. I also have my house close to being in order. As for my goal-did I mention daylight savings time?- I am so mixed up in my sleeping. I am getting up by 8 every morning when I don't have to work. I am going to try and move it back to 6 tomorrow and from now on. Wish me luck! I am also going to start back reading. 

There are so many times that you hear people say 'you make time for the things that matter'. I feel this is so true. There are so many times that we are running around when really we need to just get our priorities right. We are the problem not time. My project for tomorrow is to write down my list of priorities in order and how I plan to accomplish them. There is a project that I am working on and home to be able to blog about it in the next few days. 

My last little note for the night is to remind everyone to be kind even to strangers. I will post tomorrow about an experience that I had and an opportunity that I missed.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Making the hard decisions.

First I would like to mention that I am currently writing this while waiting for my class to start tonight. That's how dedicated I am to this blog. Well, I started it in class but staying up late to get it finished!

Next I have to give just a little update on my goal of waking up early. Day one was a success but I am still having a hard time going to sleep. See the full post next Tuesday on how I did.

Now..on to the good stuff. Starting in just a few weeks I will be back to only one job (my favorite job) taking care of two of the most amazing blessings I have ever received!! After much consideration, praying, and crying we have decided that I will continue to be a stay at home mom. Believe me when I saw I cried...you can ask my co worker. Shocked yet? There were many factors that brought this decision up but the main one was the fact that I was hardly NEVER home. My children didn't know who I was any more. This was not the way that God intended for my children to be raised. For those that may be reading this that have to work I am not talking about you! We are in the situation where I did not HAVE to work but was just trying to supplement the income so that things were not tight. What I learned was that we needed to be tighter.

Sometimes you just have to weigh your options; we did and this was the result. My children were the ones that were being shuffled around from grandparents to sitter to who ever was available to watch them. I felt like they needed more stability. I'm not saying that my situation was so much worse then others. I am sure that there are people out there that do what I am doing everyday, we just can't be that family. Between my school and work and Mr. Wonderful going to school and working the kids were getting left behind.

So, we have a big change coming up in the next few weeks. I know that it will be rough at first but we will be a better family for being true to what we need and what God wants for our life.

God Bless

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hit and Miss

So the other day in my Last Chance post I should have mentioned that I may still be a little hit and miss for the next couple of weeks. There are days when I simply do not have the time no matter what I do. Yesterday I worked then went straight to school. Once home I had school work to complete then went straight to bed! The good news is that these are the days that are the most challenging for me but also bring the most change.

The one thing that I still struggle daily with but would like to get under control is the time that I get up every morning. To make this happen I will make myself go to bed each night by 11. No matter what I am doing at that time I must put it down and go to bed. There is , however, one exception to this rule: if my little monsters angels ones are still awake obviously they cannot be left unattended! Doing this to myself means that I MUST have some time management in my day. Since these two things go hand in hand I will be working on them for the next week. When I give you an update on Tuesday you will see just how dedicated I am to turning everything around.

On a side note, stay close this week. I have some very exciting news and updates!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Last chance!

Ok..as you have or haven't noticed I am horrible at keeping up with my blog. This is something that I have always wanted to do but given the chance I let it slide to the bottom of the list. I could give you all kinds of excuses like; I started a new job, and that school is overwhelming (even though I am making A's!) but that's still not good enough.

Luckily I am a firm believer in second, third, and fourth chances! Therefore I have given myself this third and final chance to get it right. If I cannot prioritize my time to give at least and hour a day to my blog then I will not continue to write.

So please bare with me one more time. I promise to make it worth your while. I have so many things going on and so many ideas up my sleeve.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Work In Progress

So like the children's song goes..'He's still working on me to make be what I ought to be' thats how I feel right now. Even though everything hasn't changed over night I still wake up every morning feeling like something has changed. i don't snap at my kids, I am actually enjoying staying home with them once again! Every little thing my hubby does isn't so annoying.(That's the biggest work in progress right now!)

I think one of the biggest changes is that I have consciously decide that I will not have a bad attitude about my life. I am currently reading a book and really took to heart something she said, 'what you do once a week is important to you.' So I looked at my life and realized there were things that I did once a week that wasn't important but I was making them important by doing them ALL the time.

One of the first changes that I am going to make to get those things out of my life is what I consider a HUGE waste of time: Facebook. I am constantly looking at it either on my phone or on the computer. So I have decided that I will only look at Facebook once a day and only for 10 mins. I hope to slowly get Facebook out of my daily routine.

Remember that only we can make our lives better. Never wait on someone else to change and do it for you!

God Bless

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm Back!!

Finally realized that the time I didn't have to do the things that were important to me was because I didn't have my priorities right! WOW What an amazing concept. Its not something new just something that I tried to avoid. I have become one of those moms that I dislike. You know the ones that complain that they never have enough time and envy those that get things done. Thats what happens when you don't get up until 8:00 10:30. If I were to get up with my hubby that would be an extra 4 HOURS that I had to get things done without the kids. So starting bright and early in the morning things are changing.

More to come tomorrow..check back to follow my progress.
