About Me

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I am a mom of two and after following a few other bloggers realized that I needed to better myself. So, here I am ready to take those steps necessary to be a better mom, wife, and person, with each of you following my progress. I want people to know that you can be the kind of mom you want and that anyone can do it!! I hope that you can learn, laugh, and grow with me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Making the hard decisions.

First I would like to mention that I am currently writing this while waiting for my class to start tonight. That's how dedicated I am to this blog. Well, I started it in class but staying up late to get it finished!

Next I have to give just a little update on my goal of waking up early. Day one was a success but I am still having a hard time going to sleep. See the full post next Tuesday on how I did.

Now..on to the good stuff. Starting in just a few weeks I will be back to only one job (my favorite job) taking care of two of the most amazing blessings I have ever received!! After much consideration, praying, and crying we have decided that I will continue to be a stay at home mom. Believe me when I saw I cried...you can ask my co worker. Shocked yet? There were many factors that brought this decision up but the main one was the fact that I was hardly NEVER home. My children didn't know who I was any more. This was not the way that God intended for my children to be raised. For those that may be reading this that have to work I am not talking about you! We are in the situation where I did not HAVE to work but was just trying to supplement the income so that things were not tight. What I learned was that we needed to be tighter.

Sometimes you just have to weigh your options; we did and this was the result. My children were the ones that were being shuffled around from grandparents to sitter to who ever was available to watch them. I felt like they needed more stability. I'm not saying that my situation was so much worse then others. I am sure that there are people out there that do what I am doing everyday, we just can't be that family. Between my school and work and Mr. Wonderful going to school and working the kids were getting left behind.

So, we have a big change coming up in the next few weeks. I know that it will be rough at first but we will be a better family for being true to what we need and what God wants for our life.

God Bless

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